• Welcome to ScanBalt Business

    ScanBalt Business is a business support and service for ScanBalt BioRegion delivered by ScanBalt® fmba. It gives easy access to leading companies and clusters within health and life sciences in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Northern Germany, Northern Netherlands and Northwestern Russia – The Top of Europe.
  • Today's Portrait Highlights

    IVEX Lab

    IVEX Lab helps investigators in their efforts to find safer and more effective treatments for major diseases, including cancer. Focusing to preclinical drug efficacy studies, our team can develop novel tools that meet your experimental needs, ranging from molecular cloning and stable expression to in vivo xenograft studies. IVEX Lab is CRO with highly experienced personnel as well as relevant technical infrastructure. We have implemented live animal imaging methodology that enables to perform experiments with high sensitivity, accuracy and speed, at the same time reducing animal numbers.

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    Stryker Trauma GmbH

    Stryker Trauma GmbH is specialised in the development and production of intramedullary nails. As such, the Stryker Trauma GmbH is the world leader in intramedullary nailing with an annual production of 400,000 nails. Statistically, every 90 seconds a nail from Schönkirchen is implanted worldwide.

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    HealthCap is a family of multi stage venture capital funds, investing globally in life sciences. We have raised more than EUR 900 million since 1996 making HealthCap one of the largest specialized providers of venture capital within life sciences in Europe.

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