• Welcome to ScanBalt Business

    ScanBalt Business is a business support and service for ScanBalt BioRegion delivered by ScanBalt® fmba. It gives easy access to leading companies and clusters within health and life sciences in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Northern Germany, Northern Netherlands and Northwestern Russia – The Top of Europe.
  • Today's Portrait Highlights

    Life Science Nord - Northern Germany´s Life Science Cluster

    Life Science Nord is the regional industry network for medical technology, biotechnology and pharma for the states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. With some 500 companies, universities and research institutes and more than 260 active members, we are an important economic and innovation factor and a key element of the cluster policy of both federal states. As a committed interest group, we promote co-operation between science and business in a targeted manner, thereby enhancing the visibility of North Germany as a hub and boosting the added value and innovative capacity of the region.

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    Relaxbirth Ltd

    Relaxbirth Ltd. is an innovative MedTech company, presenting a unique, all in-one concept for childbirths. User-centered innovation consists of the CE-marked and patented Relaxbirth® birthing support device, method and services. Relaxbirth is culturally independent solution, suitable for different traditions. Relaxbirth was awarded the Best European Woman Innovation 2009 and the Red Herring 2012 Top 100 Global Winner prizes. The company was selected one of the HealthPort 2012 winners. Our mission is to provide wellbeing and positive experiences in childbirth, globally. Excellent feedback from Relaxbirth mothers offers a strong PR advantage also for the hospitals/clinics.

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    Selvita delivers comprehensive solutions to customers from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry targeted at speedy and cost-effective introduction of efficacious and safe drugs to the market. Selvita Group laboratories have the General Pharmaceutical Inspectorate accreditation and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certification. Selvita develops its own innovative drugs, which originate from research at Polish universities and later commercializes them with partners from the pharmaceutical industry. Our current projects are in the area of oncology, central nervous system and autoimmune diseases.

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