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    ScanBalt Business is a business support and service for ScanBalt BioRegion delivered by ScanBalt® fmba. It gives easy access to leading companies and clusters within health and life sciences in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Northern Germany, Northern Netherlands and Northwestern Russia – The Top of Europe.
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    We develop mobile applications for: iOS, Android, Windows Phone devices. Web applications: web & cloud applications, mobile websites, web application front-end, internet portals, internet games, payment gateways & integrations, Wix applications. Social applications: Facebook applications, contests and games, Facebook API integrations, Other social networks - Twitter, Instagram, etc.

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    Life Sciences Baltics

    Life Sciences Baltics is the only international forum in the Baltics for world-class biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical devices experts from all around the world. It provides a unique opportunity to explore the new horizons of partnerships, exchange ideas and seek progress through networking. Discover enormous potential and passion in the field of life sciences in Lithuania and the Baltics – the gateway to emerging markets. The forum is organised by Enterprise Lithuania that supports the establishment and development of competitive businesses in Lithuania and to fosters the country’s exports by facilitating cooperation with our partners’ networks, providing consultancy, market analysis, and business-partner search services.

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    The Ofichem Group manufactures, develops and distributes active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for both the veterinary and human market. These active compounds are distributed worldwide to pharmaceutical producers. The production of APIs is in accordance with the guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). The Ofichem Group also has his own laboratory which doesn’t only analyse the produced APIs, but also analyses APIs for external clients.

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