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CoLab Denmark, Region of Southern Denmark
CoLab Denmark is a network for the development of assisted living technologies in a cross-sectoral setting in the Healthcare system, hosted by the Region of Southern Denmark. CoLab Denmark consists of six local testbeds, which is anchored directly into daily operations. Here, specialized employees in the hospitals and municipalities pool their knowledge and facilities into co-creating, develop and test tomorrow’s next-gen assisted living technologies and services. Building on user-driven development, CoLab Denmark provides companies with valuable feedback used in improving products and services. Keywords: Cross-sectoral test and evaluation of health and welfare technology in hospital, municipal and GP; Usability-, data integration- and end user- test aimed at accelerating product development; Advice on legislation and technical demands for health and welfare technologies; Assessment of potential scalability and implementation of health and welfare technology
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Eptek Telemedicine Center
Eptek Telemedicine Center is a home like environment where you can familiarize with different kinds of assisted living technologies and eHealth products provided by various companies. The center provides information on the assisted living solutions for example to elderly persons and caretakers as well as to social and health care professionals and students. Keywords: eHealth, Telemedicine center, Health technology, Living Lab, Project coordination.
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Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre
Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (HNRC) is a hospital providing inpatient neurorehabilitation services. The hospital with more than 100 beds specialises in 3 major fields: therapy and rehabilitation of working-age and elderly patients with brain and spinal cord injuries as well as therapy and rehabilitation of children. For example, it has a robot-assisted gait therapy device LokomatPro by Hocoma, a verticalisation robot Erigo, hand rehabilitation system Armeo Spring, an exoskeleton providing powered motion for patients with a spinal cord injury. HNRC is able to assess health products in terms of their quality and usability in a clinical setting. HNRC has a sound quality system – EQUASS and uses the FIM® instrument (Functional Independence Measure). Keyword: Neurorehabilitation
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ILWia: Testing innovation in everyday life
Healthy Ageing with the support of modern technologies – that is the guiding topic of our regional living lab ILWiA. To achieve this goal we are operating a showcase for the broad public which is equipped with various technical assistance systems supporting self-determined living and housing in old age. The showcase offers a hands-on experience of technology providing the visitors with different comprehensible use cases. We manage the lab in close collaboration with the administrative district Vorpommern-Greifswald and the non-profit association for living and housing in old age – ILWiA e.V.
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Innovation Skåne AB: Increased efficiency and quality in the healthcare through innovation
Innovation Skåne AB supports entrepreneurs in the development of fast-growing companies and contributes to increased efficiency and quality in the healthcare through innovation. Our HealthTech Arena is a test bed and meeting place where Innovative HealthTech companies have the opportunity to test and validate their e-health products and services against real needs in the healthcare sector, from product idea and onwards. Services include idea testing, IT testing and usability, and, moreover, Innovation Skåne provides access to clinical trials through its sister organisation.
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Latvian health tourism cluster
Latvian health tourism cluster includes a wide spectrum of health tourism entrepreneurs. with an aim to provide high quality medical services to foreign patients as well as locals. There are 60 cluster members, wide variety of health tourism providers: government, municipality and regional hospitals, private clinics, rehabilitation centers, resort hotels, travel agencies, educational and research institutions. The cluster gives an opportunity to improve cooperation among health tourism providers, to organize common marketing activities, to invent and market integrated, innovative tourism products and services, and to make them more available to locals as well as foreign tourists. Keywords: Health tourism in Latvia; Cooperation between cluster partners; Wide spectrum of medical diagnostic and treatment methods; Excellent doctors’ team and medical staff; Implementation of joint health tourism marketing activities; Developing new and innovative health tourism export products.
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Laurea Living Lab Network
Laurea's strategic choice is to integrate its three tasks: education, R&D and regional development. Laurea LLs Network serves the integration of the three tasks in the optimal way. LLs are user-centred open innovation ecosystems integrating research and innovation research in real life communities and settings. Laurea LLs Network collaborate with research institutions, companies, public agencies, citizens, and users for investigating and creating new products and services. Living labs enable facing economic and social challenges with novel technological opportunities and professional practices and speed up competitive business and value creation models for the national and global markets. Keywords:
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Lublin Medicine Cluster
Lublin Medicine Cluster has 119 members: universities, public and private hospitals, medical centres and enterprises from health and medicine. Fields of specialization: functional food and dietary supplements, diagnostics, telemedicine and robotics, oncology, cardiology, rehabilitation, health tourism, primary care, social and organizational innovations. Specialisation in ProVaHealth project: functional food. We involve users through public and private hospitals, medical centres, physicians, nursery homes, Third Age Universities, patient organisations. Keywords: preclinical and clinical trials, product/ service evaluation, services of laboratories, prototyping, short series production, business models.
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MedSilesia is a cluster of innovative companies within medical products in the Silesia region, managed by the Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd (GAPR). MedSilesia concentrates on innovative technologies within rehabilitation, surgery and orthopaedic tools, diagnostic equipment, cardiology and other medical areas. Our mission is an efficient platform for collaboration between enterprises, research and development units; enhancing the combined potentials to implement innovative solutions, technology and knowledge transfer, exchange of experiences and implementation of joint projects. MedSilesia was nominated National Key Cluster. There are only 16 National Key Clusters in Poland, characterized by their significance to Polish economy and international competitiveness. Keywords: Medical industry, internationalization, joint projects.
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SIMLAB of Oulu University of Applied Sciences
SIMLAB studios combined with debriefing rooms with live video connection are safe, effective and diverse learning environment for medical, health and social care under and post graduate education as well as testing and Living Lab environment for companies and organizations. Interprofessional competencies are trained in simulated real life scenarios. Studios are equipped with different age’s high fidelity computer guided patient simulators with all human vital functions. It is possible to simulate different malfunctions, traumas and diseases as well as exam and treat the manikins or standardized patient. Keywords: health professional education; interprofessional development; simulation; testing; research.
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The Ideas Clinic, The North Denmark Region
The North Denmark Region handles highly specialized functions for approximately 640,000 inhabitants. Our Living Labs can be accessed through the department The Ideas Clinic and on Entrance North, located at Aalborg University Hospital. Keywords: Orthopedics (surgery, pharma and training); Pain (Center for Pain and Gastroenterology Research); Cancer (nano knives, Robot surgery and relapse treatment); Heart (atrial fibrillation); Intestinal failure (surgery and pharma); Mobile Heart-Lung team.
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The Region Zealand hospitals
The Region Zealand hospitals welcome medical device companies to test and cooperate on innovative solutions. A simple “One Entry” access point ensures that all demands are immediately directed towards the relevant department. The Region Zealand hospitals are available as test beds / living labs for start-ups, SMEs and other companies wishing to have access to healthcare data as well as to staff and patients for co-developing and testing new care products and solutions. User involvement is key and new projects must be based on innovation needs identified by the healthcare staff, patients and citizens. Keywords: One entry, hospitals, medical devices, test, co-creation, needs-based.
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Vilnius University Life Sciences Center
Vilnius University (VU) is the largest Lithuanian education and scientific institution. Research in Life and Health Sciences at VU is carried out in the Centre of Life Sciences. Research focus in the Centre of Life Sciences: gene editing technologies, like CRISPR Cas; nucleic acid and protein technologies, molecular diagnostics; drug design; droplet microfluidics technology; next generation epigenomics; biocatalyzers; lipid systems and membrane proteins; brain studies, like recording and analysis of physiological and psychophysiological parameters, also parameters of EEG, ECG, EDA, eye movements, psychological tests, steroid hormone concentration. Most of the Centre of Life Sciences laboratories are working as open access laboratories. Keywords: biomedicine; gene editing; epigenomics; biocatalyzers; diagnostic test systems; brain studies
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XAMK SBC and Active Life Lab
Xamk Active Life Lab works with businesses and organisations towards effective preventive health and wellbeing services. Active Life Lab provides free access to its facility and testing possibilities for end users in exchange of their wellbeing data. We specialise in gathering, integrating, analysing, visualising and utilising wellbeing data to create unique value. The wellbeing databank is used to study and develop effective wellbeing services with partners. The Active Life Lab databank includes data on physical activity promotion, sleep & recovery, food choices and health effects of nature & culture. Keywords: Applied research and databank (focus: effectiveness of preventive wellbeing services); Service development and testing projects; Workshops, hackathons, demonstrations and conferences.
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