• Welcome to ScanBalt Business

    ScanBalt Business is a business support and service for ScanBalt BioRegion delivered by ScanBalt® fmba. It gives easy access to leading companies and clusters within health and life sciences in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Northern Germany, Northern Netherlands and Northwestern Russia – The Top of Europe.
    • WellBiome

      Our mission is to give people insight into their body and increase wellbeing and quality of life with relatively small effort. Today, the price of DNA sequencing is at a level that enables us to offer the benefits of the latest, cutting-edge science to almost everyone. Our analysis and recommendations are based on the DNA of the bacteria in your gut. It takes about 2 weeks from receiving your stool sample for us to complete the analysis and email you your personalized report. Our report is useful for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life, have more energy and increase life expectancy. Gut bacteria have an important role in extracting extra energy from the food we eat and small precisely targeted changes in diet can have a big impact on well-being. This report can also help manage weight.

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  • Welcome to ScanBalt Business

    ScanBalt Business is a business support and service for ScanBalt BioRegion delivered by ScanBalt® fmba. It gives easy access to leading companies and clusters within health and life sciences in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Northern Germany, Northern Netherlands and Northwestern Russia – The Top of Europe.