Welcome to ScanBalt Business
At 7peaks we have combined technology, gamification and health science to launch a scaleable mhealth platform that reduces healthcare costs by producing healthy change of behavior among employees.
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We provide safety and communication solutions designed to meet the needs of healthcare, which genuinely facilitate our clients' everyday lives in hospitals, care homes and home care, and are reliable and easy to use.
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Abomics Oy
Abomics Ltd is a company that specializes in translating genomics research into clinical practice and provides new approaches to personalized medicine. We leverage the knowledge acquired from human genome in order to increase the safety and efficacy of medical treatments and medication.
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We develop mobile applications for: iOS, Android, Windows Phone devices. Web applications: web & cloud applications, mobile websites, web application front-end, internet portals, internet games, payment gateways & integrations, Wix applications. Social applications: Facebook applications, contests and games, Facebook API integrations, Other social networks - Twitter, Instagram, etc.
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B3IT was founded in 2003 with aspirations of becoming Sweden’s top IT-consulting firm. We have grown rapidly with a distinct focus on both senior consultants within IT and Management as well as focus on the most demanding clients on the market. Our People are 190 professionals, with typically 10-20 years of experience, dedicated to deliver value to our clients in the database, system development, infrastructure, telecom, healthcare, IT Management, Quality, mobility and M2M practices. B3IT offices are located in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Sundsvall, Örebro , Borlänge and Malmö.
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BCB Medical
BCB Medical is a provider of pioneering information systems to the health care sector. Our clinical pathway systems are designed to assist doctors and nursing staff in their everyday management of clinical pathways for the benefit of their patients. We serve as your guide in the world of information management and bring a strong trio of support to clinical pathway implementation: efficiency improvement, treatment quality and effectiveness follow-up, and comparability of medical information.
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Black Pearls, Smart Business Ventures
Black Pearls is a capital fund, established in order to support Polish innovations. We are supported by Polish capital and the unique knowledge and experience of business angels. We are located in the Pomeranian region with our head office in the City of Gdansk which is often called the closest verge to the European and Global markets.
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BuddyHealthcare: Enhanced surgery experiences and outcomes
At Buddy Healthcare, we help our customers drive a 5-star patient experience. Our dedicated team works day-in and day-out to transform pre- and post-surgical care together with our customers. Unlike other patient engagement solutions, we are focused on surgery care and make use of smart patient pathways to develop best evidence -based care protocols. We want to solve the biggest problems hospitals, clinics and patients are facing in surgeries: patient adherence to treatment, late cancellations and no-shows, administrative work and care quality.
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Cognuse OU
Cognuse enables a better continuum of care for critical illness and chronic disease. We provide digital tools for early screening of complications and involve families and caregivers for enhanced care tasks. We also monitor the care environment and provide actionable feedback to the clinical teams. Nursing staff is supported by a real time solution that supports them in following guidelines and nursing procedures to ensure the highest quality of care.
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A Digital platform for driving efficient business and clinical practice outcome. A Danish patient engagement company with leading market share in Denmark and serving almost 1.8 million patient lives. Platform and patient mobile apps support data-driven, protocol-based patient management, targeting: digital treatment plans; procedural specialties; chronic conditions; programmatic therapies. The platform delivers clinical awareness of targeted patient health factors to both patients and providers, drives patient compliance, and provides clinical team oversight and efficient remote engagement.
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Estonian HealthTech Cluster
Connected Health, founded by the Science Park Tehnopol, is a country-wide partnership between health-related stakeholders in Estonia, who are committed to accelerating the adoption of connected health solutions, on an international scale and on commercial terms. Connected Health connects you with the Estonian health innovation ecosystem – we help you to find information or partners, so you can start taking advantage of the unique environment Estonia offers.
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The Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institute (FSTI) of the Steinbeis-Foundation is a member of the Steinbeis Network with its own network of leading research establishments and affiliated institute of Steinbeis University Berlin (SHB). Research at the FSTI revolves around the increasing merging of physical objects and embedded IT, taking into account changes in Internet connectivity and the consequent impact on industrial ecosystems, value creation and societal structures. The FSTI coordinates activities within the following research fields: • Industrial Internet / Industry 4.0 • Digitalization and Society • Innovation and Transfer Management
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People are often afraid to start their own project or business. Common problems include lack of know-how and co-founders, lack of money, unknown risks etc. Garage48 is here to change that mindset and show that it's all about positive "let's do it" attitude, creative team members and a motivating deadline. Less talk, more action! Garage48 event series started in Estonia in April 2010 and have expanded to other countries in Northern Europe and Africa since then. All Garage48 events are held in English and have ~100 international participants. Participants have different skills, ranging from software development to design, marketing, sales and entrepreneurship. Garage48 events usually start at 5pm on a Friday evening. All participants gather together in a big room and pitch about 30 to 40 ideas on stage. Each idea is put on the wall and everyone can choose their favourite idea and team. Usually about 12-15 ideas will be selected and teams start working.
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Healthy Culture Action Tank
Healthy Culture Action Tank is a nonprofit research organization focused on patient experience in the digital transformation of healthcare. In our reports we address major societal challenges that the industry faces today from the point of view of patients – from decision-making processes to ethics in big data and biotechnology. We also run two mentoring programs for health tech startups: Patient Experience Canvas for implementing customer experience strategies and Change Adaptation Patterns for designing shifts in habits that impact the spread of noncommunicable diseases.
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Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems are experts in software development for automated logistics solutions. E.g. for baggage handling in airports, fully automated warehouse and distribution centers, and automated logistics for hospitals. Intelligent Systems’ field of competence is the cross-section between robot and automation technology, information and communication technology (ICT), and logistics, automated material handling and resource optimization. Healthcare logistics include fully automated and integrated storage, transport and logistics for hospitals; Intelligent tracking, monitoring and automated handling of blood samples and other samples for hospital bio-chemical laboratories; Instrument tracking and fully integrated automation for central sterile supply and operating equipment
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Meditec Ltd
Meditec Ltd is a healthcare information systems developer with an experience of more than 18 years in the field. The company specializes in the development of information systems for healthcare institutions - from simple financial accounting tools for general practitioners to highly-complicated modular systems for University Hospitals. Our information systems are made for specialists of different languages, workplaces and working regimes. They are easy to use, customizable and compatible with external systems.
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Medixine combine expertise in health care and modern web and mobile technology to provide safe and easy to use patient centric solutions. Our solutions enable smooth collaboration between health care providers, patients and family members. We provide tools for connecting different data sources and optimizing care processes. With our help, our partners and customers can enhance the quality of care and achieve cost savings. Our solution Medixine Suite provides comprehensive communication, monitoring and collaboration tools for all parties involved in the care process. It’s based on a powerful and versatile core that can be easily customized and extended with a set of product modules.
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It is the web site for Medical Simulation World Wide – the first multidisciplinary portal across teaching and disciplines including medicine, midwives, nursing, paramedics, pharmacists and physical therapists. Post Your article, create your website! We welcome You for collaboration !
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mfore provides the technology platform and service for healthcare providers, to utilize mobile communication channels to have a continuous dialogue with patients and care givers (e.g. family members) outside the care setting and between encounters. Our offering enables healthcare providers to converse with patients and care givers with relevant information at right times to educate, remind and reinforce the prescribed care and get insights to patient’s progress in the care process.
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OR Technology (Oehm und Rehbein GmbH)
The portfolio ranges from DR retrofits for existing X-ray systems, CR systems and complete X-ray systems to the mobile detector suitcase solution for outdoor use (e.g. on ships and oil rigs, in remote locations or disaster management). Innovative research and the further development of the dicomPACS® digital image processing software have led to the highly professional dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition software which is an integral part of all digital X-ray solutions. Renowned system integrators (OEMs) are also using individualized versions of this dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition software as a component within their systems with great success.
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Papilion is a design studio in Tartu, Estonia and has designed the web for ScanBalt fmba. Papilion offers beautiful & functional web & graphic design, brand & identity creation, UX planning and wireframing, E-commerce solutions, payment systems, expert level programming, high quality HTML/CSS/JS coding, responsive web design and mobile first solutions, search engine optimization. The following Content Management Systems are used: WordPress, Textpattern, Voog
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ScanBalt Sharing Marketplace
Share equipment, services, facilities and knowledge with other organizations in the ScanBalt BioRegion. B2B sharing Marketplace for renting out and sell idle capacity, facilities, and staff. On here, we unite supply and demand, and facilitate organizations to generate additional turnover and lower costs through asset sharing. 30 % discounts for members of ScanBalt. The ScanBalt Sharing Marketplace is a product of the collaboration between ScanBalt fmba and FLOOW2 Healthcare, the first Sharing Marketplace for healthcare organizations.
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Sentiero logistiq
Sentiero logistiq is a consulting and engineering company, based on company activities starting from 1989.The company today is located in Hamburg with a Baltic Sea region partner office in Vilnius. From its early beginnings, sentiero logistiq dedicated its resources towards the logistics and supply chain services in combination with It-services. The long time experience in logistics and supply chain services, infrastructure and special healthcare logistics, will be combined with experience in technical solutions, security and management systems. Healthcare Logistics i. e. pharmaceutical logistics and supply chain as well as specific solutions for Hospital Logistics and Transports are parts of the company services since 1993. The outcomes of the companies services are innovative solutions related to customer requirements and customer organization specific processes and – always with a focus on sustainability.
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SiDLY Care
Dedicated to individuals who would like to care for their family members despite the distance, SiDLY Care is the first device in telemedicine offering all advantages of eHealth and eCare combined. SiDLY Care connects simplicity and convenience. Discreet and easy to use does not interfere with any daily activities. It makes you feel safer, allows for systematic measurements, performs on-going monitoring, ensures freedom and independence. The carer is able to perform daily duties while convinced that distance is not a hindrance when caring for loved ones.
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Bringing future solutions in today´s Health care services.User friendly and secure IT services for health care professionals, patients, patient organizations and pharmaceutical industry.We develop our innovative, user-friendly SQ services together with our customers comprising of health care professionals, patients, patient organisations and pharmaceutical companies. Our core values include user convenience, flexible development methods and working in close co-operation with the customers.
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