Welcome to ScanBalt Business
Amphora Research Systems
Amphora is one of the world's leading suppliers of replacements for the paper laboratory notebook. Our solutions are in use around the world by companies large and small, helping scientists work better, collaborate easily with each other, and protect their inventions. At Amphora, we focus on replacing the bound paper notebook with a searchable, shareable and secure electronic version. We aim to be cost-effective, straightforward, easy to deploy and keep the lawyers happy.
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Bio-Mediator Ky
Bio-Mediator has been distributing life science and diagnostic products to laboratories in Finland and other Nordic countries since 1994. The company sells well qualified products which fulfill the needs of our customers. To do that the company follows up the trends in laboratory sciences and works closely with the supplier companies.
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MDSC Systems Ltd
MDSC (Maru Deployable Shelter & Container Systems) Systems OÜ is specialised in designing and manufacturing all kinds of Special Purpose Containers for military, rescue, medicine and industrial directions. The most recent solution in our product range is mobile medical solutions.
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ScanBalt Sharing Marketplace
Share equipment, services, facilities and knowledge with other organizations in the ScanBalt BioRegion. B2B sharing Marketplace for renting out and sell idle capacity, facilities, and staff. On here, we unite supply and demand, and facilitate organizations to generate additional turnover and lower costs through asset sharing. 30 % discounts for members of ScanBalt. The ScanBalt Sharing Marketplace is a product of the collaboration between ScanBalt fmba and FLOOW2 Healthcare, the first Sharing Marketplace for healthcare organizations.
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