Welcome to ScanBalt Business
BCB Medical
BCB Medical is a provider of pioneering information systems to the health care sector. Our clinical pathway systems are designed to assist doctors and nursing staff in their everyday management of clinical pathways for the benefit of their patients. We serve as your guide in the world of information management and bring a strong trio of support to clinical pathway implementation: efficiency improvement, treatment quality and effectiveness follow-up, and comparability of medical information.
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BuddyHealthcare: Enhanced surgery experiences and outcomes
At Buddy Healthcare, we help our customers drive a 5-star patient experience. Our dedicated team works day-in and day-out to transform pre- and post-surgical care together with our customers. Unlike other patient engagement solutions, we are focused on surgery care and make use of smart patient pathways to develop best evidence -based care protocols. We want to solve the biggest problems hospitals, clinics and patients are facing in surgeries: patient adherence to treatment, late cancellations and no-shows, administrative work and care quality.
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Clinic Elite
Clinic Elite was opened in 2001 in a house built to be a comfortable and modern private clinic. Our mission is to provide high quality medical service in a private atmosphere, so the patient stays relaxed. Elite Clinic offers only proven assisted reproduction techniques for infertility treatment and shows very good results in egg donation, embryo adoption and IVF.
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KADIS Diabetes Management
Karlsburg has been an internationally distinguished place for diabetes research and treatment since 1930. In combination with the telemedicine system TeleDIAB®, the Karlsburg Diabetes Management System KADIS®, which is the result of 30 years intensive research, supports physicians and patients in their daily efforts to optimize the glycemic control. The services offered by the Diabetes Service Center Karlsburg is ready for use in the ambulatory practice with a number of specialized applications for e.g. education, optimization of glycemic control, prevention and personalized decision support.
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MDSC Systems Ltd
MDSC (Maru Deployable Shelter & Container Systems) Systems OÜ is specialised in designing and manufacturing all kinds of Special Purpose Containers for military, rescue, medicine and industrial directions. The most recent solution in our product range is mobile medical solutions.
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Northway is one of the largest private medical centres providing comprehensive medical, day surgery and rehabilitation services in Lithuania. It is a private modern treatment institution controlled by the UK-based company "Northway Holdings Limited". Northway medical centre was established in 2004.The team of professionals ensure the best possible treatment and friendly approach. More than 100 doctors carry out the necessary examination. provide advice and treatment on the same or the next day. The staff speaks English and Russian.
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ScanBalt Sharing Marketplace
Share equipment, services, facilities and knowledge with other organizations in the ScanBalt BioRegion. B2B sharing Marketplace for renting out and sell idle capacity, facilities, and staff. On here, we unite supply and demand, and facilitate organizations to generate additional turnover and lower costs through asset sharing. 30 % discounts for members of ScanBalt. The ScanBalt Sharing Marketplace is a product of the collaboration between ScanBalt fmba and FLOOW2 Healthcare, the first Sharing Marketplace for healthcare organizations.
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Scandinavian Care
Scandinavian Care develops and co-invests in modern cancer centers and radiosurgery centers in emerging markets. This is done in co-operation with local established private healthcare providers. The cancer centers are equipped with highly efficient and modern radiosurgery or radiotherapy equipment, related diagnostic, planning and quality assurance tools as well as chemotherapy facilities. We have presently seven part owned centers in clinical operation and further one in the process of being implemented. Scandinavian Care is developing new consultant projects in areas like UAE, India and Nigeria. We are also negotiating other projects in Africa and Asia.
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Our mission is to give people insight into their body and increase wellbeing and quality of life with relatively small effort. Today, the price of DNA sequencing is at a level that enables us to offer the benefits of the latest, cutting-edge science to almost everyone. Our analysis and recommendations are based on the DNA of the bacteria in your gut. It takes about 2 weeks from receiving your stool sample for us to complete the analysis and email you your personalized report. Our report is useful for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life, have more energy and increase life expectancy. Gut bacteria have an important role in extracting extra energy from the food we eat and small precisely targeted changes in diet can have a big impact on well-being. This report can also help manage weight.
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Wellness Orbit
In essence, this online training platform advances human capacity and professional skills through awareness based intra-personal skills. It combines a first of its kind pro-active mental wellness approach by a practicing licensed psychiatrist Dr. Helena Lass and uses state of the art e-learning solutions using FullHD videos, which have been uniquely programmed from the ground up. All trainings are in English and available 24/7 at our web.
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