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BioCon Valley®- Health and Innovation in Germany’s North-East
BioCon Valley® is the initiative for life sciences and health economy of the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. The region with two strong centres around the university cities of Greifswald and Rostock offers distinct research and development facilities and a lively economic community of sme´s and large businesses, outstanding in industrial and marine biotechnology, personalised and regenerative medicine, animal health and plant breeding. As a German BioRegion BioCon Valley® catalyses the commercialization of modern life sciences in the region by networking science, industry and government.
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Business Region Göteborg AB
Business Region Göteborg AB is a non-profit company that works to strengthen and develop trade and industry in the Gothenburg region. The goal is to contribute to sustainable growth, a high level of employment and diversity in trade and industry in the region. At Business Region Göteborg AB we focus our efforts on the following specific areas such as Business development; Projects promoting clusters and industries; Marketing the region nationally and internationally; Creating and collaborating with international networks; Tailor-made solutions for companies wanting to establish a new business in the region as well as for companies wanting to expand an existing business.
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CleanTech Latvia
CleanTech Latvia is a non-governmental cluster organization fostering and promoting Latvian cleantech companies, organizations, joint ventures, research and educational institutions. CleanTeach Latvia facilitates the recognition of enterprises in Latvia and globally, communication among entrepreneurs, improvement of the value chain and efficiency, transfer of knowledge and practical experience from science to business. CleanTech Latvia is committed to grow a vibrant clean technology industry through innovation, research, development and facilitation of international business opportunities.
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Denmark’s Capital Region Bio Cluster
The Danish capital region’s life sciences cluster is a major world player, especially in areas such as enzymes, CNS research, diabetes care and cancerresearch. Together with the Skåne region in the south of Sweden, the capital region of Denmark founded Medicon Valley, one of Europe’s top 3 sites for life sciences innovation alongside Cambridge (United Kingdom) and Basel (Switzerland). Medicon Valley spearheads the Danish life sciences cluster with a strong presence and close collaboration between universities, hospitals and companies.
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Estonian HealthTech Cluster
Connected Health, founded by the Science Park Tehnopol, is a country-wide partnership between health-related stakeholders in Estonia, who are committed to accelerating the adoption of connected health solutions, on an international scale and on commercial terms. Connected Health connects you with the Estonian health innovation ecosystem – we help you to find information or partners, so you can start taking advantage of the unique environment Estonia offers.
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InnoBaltica – Building the Pomeranian Centre of Innovation
InnoBaltica focus on innovation in the Baltic Sea Region. The main goals are (1) To create strong links and effective cooperation between academic and business entities toward implementation of innovative products; (2) To increase the competence level of the regional innovative processes’ managers and the cooperation networks’ leaders; (3) To attract investors for the Pomeranian innovation offer. The core activities focus on inspiring and stimulating the development processes as well as the implementation of key projects. InnoBaltica is administrator and coordinator of two major Pomeranian clusters BioEkoChem & KlimaPomerania.
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Latvia Health Care, Green Tech and Life Science sectors
The Latvian healthcare sector has large healthcare centers to provide comprehensive health services. There are many opportunities due to its high growth rate and relatively low expenditure compared to the European Union average. Latvia is a leading European country in terms of specialization in renewable energy sources. Hydropower accounts for the largest source while biomass and biofuel are increasingly used in co-generating electricity and heat. The life sciences sector has experienced high growth in value added both in pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The R&D on red biotechnologies, white biotechnologies and green biotechnologies pharmaceuticals has a high growth potential.
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Life Science Nord – Northern Germany´s Life Science Cluster
Life Science Nord is the regional industry network for medical technology, biotechnology and pharma for the states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. With some 500 companies, universities and research institutes and more than 260 active members, we are an important economic and innovation factor and a key element of the cluster policy of both federal states. As a committed interest group, we promote co-operation between science and business in a targeted manner, thereby enhancing the visibility of North Germany as a hub and boosting the added value and innovative capacity of the region.
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LifeScience Krakow
LifeScience Krakow is a cooperation platform for entrepreneurs and researchers in the area of biotechnology, pharmacy, medicine, cosmetology and environmental protection. The aim of the Cluster is to develop sustainable cooperation between business and science, allowing the implementation of joint B&R projects and commercialization of the results. Above assumptions are realized by integrating the life science environment in Malopolska, helping to establish new contacts, facilitating access to information and exchange of experiences.
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Lublin Medicine Cluster
Lublin Medicine Cluster has 119 members: universities, public and private hospitals, medical centres and enterprises from health and medicine. Fields of specialization: functional food and dietary supplements, diagnostics, telemedicine and robotics, oncology, cardiology, rehabilitation, health tourism, primary care, social and organizational innovations. Specialisation in ProVaHealth project: functional food. We involve users through public and private hospitals, medical centres, physicians, nursery homes, Third Age Universities, patient organisations. Keywords: preclinical and clinical trials, product/ service evaluation, services of laboratories, prototyping, short series production, business models.
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Maritime Clusters in Västra Götaland, Sweden
Västra Götaland is the most distinctly maritime region in Sweden. There is every reason to make good use of this tradition and expertise in the maritime fields, naturally to protect the environment, but also to strengthen existing activities and to develop new activities that are associated with the sea. This entails using the ecosystem services of the sea in a long-term, sustainable manner, which is also a strong trend in the EU. The maritime clusters in Västra Götalnd cover the areas of Marine management; Maritime operations and marine technology; Marine biotechnology; Marine energy; Seafood; Tourism and recreation.
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MedTech West is a Swedish network and collaborative platform for research, education, development and evaluation of new biomedical concepts and technologies. MedTech West was founded in 2009 by Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, University of Borås, Region Västra Götaland, and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. MedTech West initiates, facilitates and promotes increased research collaboration between the industry, the health care sector and the academia. Some of the focus areas for MedTech West´s research are medical image analysis, microwave technologies, smart textiles, sensor technologies and eHealth.
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Oslo Cancer Cluster
Oslo Cancer Cluster is a non-profit member organization dedicated to accelerate the development of new cancer diagnostics and medicines through: Local collaboration and international partnerships; Stimulation and support of new innovations and start-up activities; strengthening of our member’s ability to attract capital; Improved clinical trial efficiency for our members; Increase of governmental focus and improved public policies for the cancer community, fostering and attracting the next generation of top talents to cancer R&D and entrepreneurship. In June 2007, the cluster became a Norwegian Centre of Expertise (NCE). Oslo Cancer Cluster has more than 70 members from Northern Europe, representing the entire oncology value chain from bench to bedside.
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Santara Valley
Santara Valley is a biotechnology cluster of business, science and education institutions in Vilnius and a competence centre within biotechnology and biopharmaceutical; innovative medicine technologies; molecular medicine and biopharmaceuticals; ecosystems and sustainable development. Santara Valley is one of 5 technology clusters in Lithuania being developed to accelerate translation of research results into business applications.
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ScanBalt BioRegion
ScanBalt BioRegion comprises the Nordic and Baltic countries, northern Germany, northern Netherlands and north-western part of Russia. There are more than 60 universities and over 2100 life science/biotech companies including ~700 research based biotech SME´s in ScanBalt BioRegion. The non profit association ScanBalt™ fmba is a service provider for the members and promotes the development of ScanBalt BioRegion as a globally competitive health and bio economy. Core member services are promotion, project support and public affairs. ScanBalt™ fmba has existed since 2001.
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ScanBalt Sharing Marketplace
Share equipment, services, facilities and knowledge with other organizations in the ScanBalt BioRegion. B2B sharing Marketplace for renting out and sell idle capacity, facilities, and staff. On here, we unite supply and demand, and facilitate organizations to generate additional turnover and lower costs through asset sharing. 30 % discounts for members of ScanBalt. The ScanBalt Sharing Marketplace is a product of the collaboration between ScanBalt fmba and FLOOW2 Healthcare, the first Sharing Marketplace for healthcare organizations.
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Stem Cell Research Centre
Stem Cell Research Centre (SRCR) is a Lithuanian capital company concentrating it's business to applied stem cell research, stem cell banking and regenerative medicine. The Stem Cell Research Centre is also a coordinator of the Lithuanian stem cell and regenerative medicine cluster. This cluster brings together eleven enterprises specializing in stem cell research, clinical research and patient data management, bioengineering and cGMP production.
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Tampere Life Science Center
Tampere has a combination of multi-disciplinary, technological, bio-medical and medical expertise in education, research, healthcare and business sectors. In recent years, the health, wellness and biotechnology sector in the Tampere region has been the fastest growing in Finland and received the largest number of private investments in business development. The region’s wellness and health technology cluster provides some 30,000 jobs.For a presentation of the Tampere Life Science Center please follow the link below. For a presentation of BioMedTech, please see:
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Tartu – Estonia’s Medical and Biotechnological Hub
Tartu is the centre of Estonia’s medical and biotechnological landscape. The University of Tartu Hospital – a unique medical care and training hospital in Estonia – and world-class research & development centres in the field of medicine and biotechnology gathered around the University of Tartu,strong private medical practices as well as biotechnology companies lay the basis for promising future developments.
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The Berlin-Brandenburg BioRegion
The Berlin-Brandenburg region is one of the leading, international locations for life sciences. The area concentrates on clinical research via a dense and compact healthcare network, and boasts a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure. It is no coincidence that the region is Germany’s ‘health capital" as it is home to both the German government, as well as the center for healthcare industries. Biotechnology, in particular, is a strong force driving innovation and growth there and beyond, interfacing with the pharmaceutical, diagnostics and medical technology sectors.
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